National Imaging Associates, a Magellan Health Services Company
Welcome to RADMD

Managed Health Services (MHS)


Welcome to the Managed Health Services (MHS) page. The documents below have been designed to help RadMD users navigate the prior authorization process for each program Evolent is responsible for. Additional process-specific training tools and modules can be found via links on the Resources tab at the top of the screen.

If you have any questions about our programs, please contact your dedicated Evolent Provider Relations Manager, Andrew Dietz.

Advanced Imaging Program

For access to our Advanced Imaging tip sheets/checklists, click here.

Interventional Pain Management Program

For access to our Advanced Imaging tip sheets/checklists, click here.

Physical Medicine Program

For access to our Physical Medicine tip sheets/checklists, click here.

Conservative Treatment Forms  

For access to our conservative treatment forms, click here.

Clinical Guidelines

Evolent adopted the use of the MCG Guidelines® for Indiana Medicaid members. View instructions for accessing MCG Guidelines®. In absence of MCG Guidelines®, Indiana Medicaid uses the below guidelines.

Physical Medicine Solutions for Medicaid

Evolent uses Indiana Health Coverage Programs Provider Reference Module for Therapy Services.

Evolent uses Evolent clinical guidelines for Exchange members.

Evolent uses the Local Coverage Determinations (LCD) and National Coverage Determinations (NCD) directly from CMS for Medicare members.

Refer to the Utilization Review Matrix document to view specific codes managed by Evolent.